Young Chamber ‘Bridging the Gap’

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training is proud of its commitment to nurturing future talent bringing together young people and local business to provide meaningful insights into business, careers and the exciting range of employment opportunities that exist across the locality.

By accessing the Young Chamber service, schools can source activities that are designed to develop young people’s understanding of the skills that employers look for in their future workforce.

The Young Chamber offers students the opportunity to gain support from local businesses through a variety of means such as mentoring, business enterprise events, interview techniques and CV development workshops

Commenting on their uniquely placed connection to education with business, Jan Ryan, Operations Director said: “The Young Chamber programme is designed to  ‘Bridge the Gap’ for schools to business. The service has proven to be very popular as we have been inundated with requests for support this year.

“We have a range of businesses with a wealth of expertise whose support is invaluable going into schools to play their part in developing young people’s understanding of careers and employment.  Employers meet up with interested young people to talk about their industry knowledge and experience, providing them with a realistic view into the world of work informing future career decision making.”

Some recent activities include providing mock interviewers with a range of employers from JLR, TNT,  Wright Hassall, KPMG, RSPCA, Costco and  Domestic and name a few.  

Other projects also included an Enterprise Day at North Leamington School and Barrs Hill School were invited to CWCT’s training centre at Commerce House in Coventry to hear about further education opportunities including Apprenticeships and Higher Education.  

To find out more or to discuss activities in more details please contact our Business Development Team on 02476 231 122 or

Photo caption: A group of students from Barrs Hill School in Coventry attended CWCT in Coventry to hear about further education opportunities, including Apprenticeships and Higher Education.

