Valuable Employment Support  For Young People

During these particularly challenging times, Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training is encouraging businesses to support young people who are looking to gain valuable experience and learning opportunities.

The specialist team continues to work in partnership with Coventry City Council as part of a number of European Social Fund (ESF) projects, a series of opportunities to support young people in Coventry to access the skills needed for their journey into employment, education, or training.

The skills training is aimed at anyone aged 15+ and the courses equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to confidently progress into the world of work or further study. 

Commenting on the benefits of the courses, Sally Lucas, Executive Director said: “With the current economic climate being difficult, we have created solutions for young people to move them forward and improve their chances of employment by gaining work experience in their chosen field. Our training package includes areas such as confidence building, one-to-advice, and guidance including and a dedicated job coach – an insight into the world of work and the many opportunities available.

"There are many opportunities to learn new skills in areas such as accountancy, health and social care, hairdressing, and business administration, with a view to securing a traineeship, apprenticeship, or further training. Our courses are highly individualised and focussed on raising awareness and aspiration amongst young people in Coventry. 

“We would also remind employers to take advantage of additional Government incentive payments for supporting businesses to create new jobs and apprenticeships.  The amount was increased in the recent Budget to £3,000 plus a further £1,000 if an apprentice is 16 to 18 or if they are under 25 with an education, care, and health plan. It is available for new apprentice starts up to the end of September, so employers should move quickly and get this set up with Chamber Training as soon as possible.

“Furthermore, there is an additional £126 million in England for high-quality work placements and training for 16 to 24-year-olds. Employers who provide work experience will receive £1,000 per placement offered which, again, is another great incentive.”

If you would like to find out more about Chamber Training’s support programmes, contact our Recruitment Team on 024 7623 1122 or

Photo caption: Sally Lucas, Executive Director at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training.
