The Team at Chamber Training Recognises and Rewards Apprentices

The team at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training was delighted to take time out to recognise and reward the successes of apprenticeships - individuals and their employers, coming together to place their achievements on centre stage for all to see. 

Nearly 200 people came together at Chamber Training’s Awards Evening on 20th June 2019 at Coventry Rugby Club to hear about the fantastic contributions which apprentices have made.  The experiences were not only in their work roles but also in their wider lives, everything from supporting the running of local youth groups to entering national skills competitions and showcasing their skills amongst the best of the country.

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training’s team work hand-in-hand with apprentices and employers across the sub region to design apprenticeships that work for the individual, as well as benefit the business.  The team was particularly pleased to hear from guest speakers Peter Burns MBE, a past President of the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, Kathleen Culleton-Underwood, City of Coventry’s Freemen’s Guild Apprentice of the Year 2018 from Zenith Contractors and Allana Watson, Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT who shared their experiences about their apprenticeship journey and the way they have seized every opportunity that has come their way.

The event recognised outstanding Apprentices in categories such as Accountancy, Business Administration, Health and Social Care, Children’s Care, Customer Service, Hairdressing and Management. It also offered the Apprentices an opportunity to celebrate their achievements with their employers, friends and family members.

Commenting on the successful awards evening Jan Ryan, Operations Director at Chamber Training said: We were absolutely delighted to host such a prestigious event and this year the standard of the nominations was extremely high and very competitive.  It has been a pleasure to recognise the support that employers give, working in partnership with ourselves to develop apprentices’ skills and knowledge to the benefit of the business. 

You can view the Apprentice and employer winners plus Chamber Training’s Trainer and Training Adviser awards on our website at:

To find out how Chamber Training can help your business to benefits from apprenticeships, please call the Business Development Team on Tel: 02476 231 122 or email
