Supporting Young Lives with One Million Mentors (1MM)Partnership

In 2019, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training launched a successful partnership with One Million Mentors to provide support for young people through personal and professional development from experienced business mentors. One Million Mentors is a unique community-based mentoring approach that aims to raise aspirations and ambitions to connect one million young people with one million mentoring opportunities.

Building on that success, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training are introducing a new round of activity, matching a group of young people with highly experienced business mentors to guide them on their career plans and develop their personal goals. This unique opportunity connects young local talent with an expanding network of trained mentors harnessing and sharing their experience and expertise. 

“The mentors offer young people support with their education, training, and career choices by facilitating goal setting, encouraging further learning, and promoting resilience. Young people can gain great insight from their mentors, grow in maturity, and create ambition to succeed. The support of a mentor and our partnership with 1MM offers the perfect mix for young people who would benefit from guidance to unlock their potential.” Sarah Williams, Training Manager
