Supporting Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

Did you know...

According to a survey of over 2,000 people by Mind, one in three (34%) people said their work life is the most stressful factor in their lives - more so than debt or financial problems (30%) or health issues (17%).

The key findings of the survey by Mind included:

Over half of managers (56%) said they would like to do more to improve mental wellbeing, but they needed more training and/or guidance

One in six workers is experiencing depression, stress or anxiety.

Three in five people said that if their employer took action to support the mental wellbeing of all staff, they would feel more loyal, motivated, committed and be more likely to recommend their workplace as a good place to work.

At Chamber Training we are hosting an accredited three day course which is designed to support any staff member within the workplace who may interact with individuals with the potential of/or has mental health problems.

Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems (3 full days) - Level 2

This course consists of three mandatory learning days at C&W Chamber Training along with four workbooks which will provide the evidence required to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the topics covered.


Key Content

Mental Health Awareness

Understanding stress, anxiety, phobias, depression and postnatal depression

Understanding Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Dementia

Understanding eating disorders, ADHD, OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder


Impact for the Employer

Greater knowledge and understanding of mental health problems to inform your organisation's Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Staff who are competent to support people with mental health problems

Potential to proactively reduce lost working hours and increase productivity


Delegates that attended this course commented:
"It was interesting to discuss and understand a variety of disorders."
"The classroom based learning and opportunity to discuss with other members worked well."
"Certain disorders were very useful to learn about in my current role."
"Expectations of the course were met and the tutor covered the topics in a clear and concise manner."
"I have a better understanding of how to manager my residents at work because of your teachings."
"I will be more aware of sign and symptoms of mental health problems."




We will also be hosting a one day course - Introduction to mental health awareness in the workplace

CLICK HERE to find out more and book your places


Up to 50% funding may be available with selected courses, subject to eligibility, through Coventry & Warwickshire Skills 4 Growth which supports eligible SMEs to improve skills amongst their workforce.

For an eligibility test, contact us on:

02476 231 122
