Recognising Chamber Training's Top Performing Apprentices

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training is hosting an Apprenticeship awards evening in Coventry to celebrate high achieving Apprentices and employers across the Coventry & Warwickshire region.

The awards evening will take place at Coventry Rugby Club on 20th June 2019 and will recognise outstanding Apprentices in categories such as Accountancy, Business Administration, Health and Social Care, Early Years Care, Hairdressing and Management.  It will also offer the Apprentices an opportunity to celebrate their achievements with their employers, friends and family members.

CCommenting on the forthcoming awards evening, Jan Ryan, Operations Director at Chamber Training said: “We are delighted to host such as a prestigious event for our Apprentices and their employers. The category entrants are extremely competitive and we look forward to celebrating their hard work and outstanding achievements on 20th June.

“We currently have over 500 apprentices working with companies across Coventry & Warwickshire undertaking apprenticeships. Our specialist teams regularly speak to employers who voice concerns about business growth being held back by a lack of skills. By working closely with them to understand their business needs, we can design apprenticeships which are tailored and relevant.

“We are looking forward to the prospect of working with more employers across Coventry and Warwickshire, helping them to make apprenticeships work effectively for their businesses.“

Chamber Training is one of the largest providers of apprenticeships and wider vocational training and development in the region, with more than 30 years’ experience. The specialist team supports businesses in recruiting new talent as well as helping employers to upskill their existing workforce by designing and delivering tailored apprenticeships on a business by business basis.

To find out how Chamber Training can help your business to source the right apprentices to suit your requirements, please call the Business Development Team on Tel: 02476 231 122 or email

Photo – Left to right: Sally Lucas, Executive Director and Jan Ryan, Operations Director from Chamber Training
