Popular AAT Account Manager Retires

After enjoying over 19 years at Chamber Training, Karen Devany has kicked her heels off, dropped the accountancy quick books and claimed a well-earned retirement.

Karen started her career at Chamber Training in 2000 having already spent a number of years as an assessor with a previous employer.  She quickly got into her stride looking after all of her accountancy learners and their employers. Over time the programme has developed and with Karen’s input it has become one of Chamber Training’s most popular apprenticeships.

Commenting on her role, Karen said: “Over the years, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with and helping an impressive number of accountancy apprentices and employers. I have seen hardworking and extremely capable employees achieving their dreams of becoming senior managers, partners and even managing directors. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to have been part of their journey.

“There has certainly never been a dull moment and I’ve made some great friendships with accountancy employers and my longstanding work colleagues.  The knowledge I have gained is tremendous and it’s been an honour to work with such fantastic people. Is it definitely not goodbye to my friends and colleagues, just ‘Au Revoir’.

Jan Ryan, Operations Director at Chamber Training remarked: “It has been a pleasure working with Karen and being part of her role in guiding employers and helping them find the right apprentice. We will continue to work with these employers and help apprentices to follow their dreams and aspirations.”

For more information on Chamber Training’s recruitment service for new staff or how your existing staff can benefit from an Apprenticeship, contact 024 7623 122 or email enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk  

Photo caption: Karen Devany (right) is seen here enjoying her retirement party alongside Jan Ryan, Operations Director at Chamber Training.
