National Apprenticeship Week - 8th-14th February 2021

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training is prompting employers to support  National Apprenticeship Week 2021 from 8th to 14th February 2021.  The annual week-long event is an opportunity to look at the benefits of hiring apprentices to develop a skilled and qualified workforce, especially during these challenging times.

As the leading provider of apprenticeships, higher education, and business to business training courses in Coventry & Warwickshire, we have a long-standing record of supporting apprentices, working in partnership with employers to design and deliver a plan of learning to match their needs.

"Commenting on this year's Apprenticeship Week, Sarah Williams, a Training Manager at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training said: "Apprenticeships are a real investment for the future.  Businesses can employ apprentices from school leavers and graduates to individuals who may be looking for a career change. so the opportunities are wide and varied.

"This year we are supporting National Apprenticeship Week 2021 by offering advice on matters such as Apprenticeship Jobs, courses and qualifications available, and guidance on how to be successful in an interview and stand out from the crowd.   Apprentices are invited to call our recruitment team on 02476 231 122 and we will be happy to help.

"Businesses should also advantage of The Government Incentive Payments which have been extended from January 2021 to 31st March 2021  Any employer who hires a new apprentice aged between 16-24 years old will receive a payment of £2,000 and employers looking to hire apprentices aged 25 and over will receive £1,500. 

"The payments are in addition to the existing £1,000 from the Government for 16 to 18-year-old apprentices. Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training has a wealth of experience in navigating the apprenticeship landscape, assisting employers to access all of the benefits that apprenticeships can bring."

To discuss how apprenticeships could benefit your business or to find out more about the government incentive scheme, contact Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training’s Business Development Team on 024 7623 1122 or


To find out more about National Apprenticeship Week 2021

Pictured: Sarah Williams, a Training Manager at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce
