A leading provider of business training and apprenticeships across Coventry & Warwickshire is enrolling now for ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills.  The four-day accredited qualification is a perfect opportunity for new and aspiring team leaders to gain invaluable knowledge which can be readily applied in the workplace.

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training (CWCCT) has a proven reputation for delivering high-quality training and has a vast array of experience in designing and delivering business-focused apprenticeships.  By working closely with employers, the specialist team at CWCCT also offers a tailored programme of bespoke training to match a business and its specific needs.

Commenting on how the ILM 2 qualification can benefit individuals and businesses, Sally Lucas, Executive Director at CWCCT said: “ILM qualifications are a great way of developing strong and effective leadership within an organisation.

“The highly practical courses are modularised and equip individuals with the skills required to improve their management ability, generating significant benefits to the business in terms of new ideas, creativity and quality improvement.

“We have recently delivered an ILM 2 leadership programme for a number of businesses from across the region and the feedback was extremely positive. After completing the qualification, the individuals said they are more competent to manage themselves and others, felt motivated to perform to a high standard and described the training as informative, enjoyable and relevant.”

The next ILM 2 programme commences on 25th May 2022 and we welcome enquiries from employers and individuals who are looking to enhance their team’s performance and explore leadership development.  Please contact our specialist team of advisers on 024 7623 1122 or enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk
