Hairdressing Apprentice Earns Distinction in End Point Assessment!

Evie Skingle, a hairdressing apprentice at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training, currently working at 17A Hairdressing Salon in Coventry, has recently achieved a distinction in her end point assessment.

Hairdressing tutor, Jayne Powell, says: "Evie is an amazing and talented student that has worked extremely hard to achieve her distinction in her recent EPA. I am very proud of her achievements and she should be too."

In a hairdressing apprenticeship, the End-point Assessment is conducted by an Apprenticeship Assessor and the apprentice and is graded either Fail, Pass or Distinction.  The End-point Assessment is a practical assessment, based on holistic grading criteria, to assess the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the apprentice. The apprentice has to demonstrate that they can complete a range of services on a number of clients to industry standards and within commercial timings. The apprentice’s consultation skills, communication skills, safe working practices, professionalism, values and behaviours will be assessed by practical observation and oral questioning. 

If you are looking to do a hairdressing apprenticeship then please call 024 76231122 or email

