#Featurefriday Instagram Live Inspiring Young People

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training are making innovative strides to ensure that young people transitioning from school and college in 2023 are equipped with the knowledge they need to embark on a rewarding career path. Using the power of social media, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training have leveraged its Instagram platform to deliver a #featurefriday live series of broadcasts. This engaging series showcases the journeys of apprentices in sectors such as early years care, business administration and hairdressing. The campaign highlights the remarkable accomplishments of Blondies, a long-standing hairdressing salon in Coventry that recently commemorated 40 years of success.

Blondies has worked in partnership with Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training to offer high-quality apprenticeships over many years, which have benefited the business and enabled young people to develop strong technical hairdressing skills with some going on to start their own businesses.

As part of the #featurefriday live series, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training interviewed Glenda Miller, owner of Blondies, along with her newest apprentice, Millie Clarkson. The live feed interview provided an insight into the real-life experiences of a hairdressing apprentice and the positive impact apprenticeships have had on the individual and the business. Viewers actively engaged during the live stream, submitting questions to the apprenticeship experts at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training, to find out more about how apprenticeships work. In a live statement, Glenda emphasized, "Hairdressing apprenticeships are an exceptional avenue for acquiring experience and expertise within the industry." This live stream series also featured early years care apprentices sharing their experience of combining the workplace alongside structured learning off the job. In another live feed, three business administrator apprentices talked about their reasons for choosing apprenticeships, their experiences at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training and how they are benefiting from working and learning.

Through the #featurefriday live series, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training demonstrated the real-life benefits apprenticeships bring both to businesses and individuals. By showcasing the journey of actual apprentices and facilitating insightful discussions, this campaign spotlighted the many opportunities available through apprenticeships. Watch the series on @cw_chamber_training Instagram channel.

Are you looking to recruit an apprentice in your company or looking to train and develop existing staff, contact us directly by calling 0246231122 or email us at enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk.
