Employment Support for Young People


Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training is working in partnership with Coventry City Council as part of a number of European Social Fund (ESF) projects, a series of opportunities to support young people in Coventry to access the skills needed for their journey into employment, education, or training.

Aimed at anyone aged 15+, the courses equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to confidently progress into the world of work or further study.  In these particularly challenging times, Chamber Training has created a range of pathways to support young people to gain valuable experience and learning.

Commenting on the benefits of the courses, Sally Lucas, Executive Director said: “Our courses offer young people a great opportunity to gain experience and insight into the world of work and help to inform them of different career paths for the future.

“With the current economic climate being difficult, we have created solutions for young people to move them forward and improve their chances of employment by gaining work experience in their chosen field. Our training package includes areas such as confidence building, one-to-advice, and guidance including and a dedicated job coach. 

"There are many benefits, including the opportunity to learn new skills in areas such as accountancy, hairdressing, children’s care, and business, with a view to securing a traineeship, apprenticeship, or further training. Our courses are highly individualised and focussed on raising awareness and aspiration amongst young people in Coventry. 

“We would urge employers to take advantage of additional Government incentive payments for supporting businesses to create new jobs and apprenticeships. Until 31 January 2021, employers can access £3,000 for each new apprentice aged 16-18 recruited into a new job, £2,000 for 19-24 year olds and £1,500 for those aged 25 and over.  So, if you are looking to recruit an apprentice or train new staff, it is worth taking advantage of the grants whilst they are still available.”

Click here to find out more about the ESF programmes.

If you would like to find out more about Chamber Training’s support programmes, contact our Recruitment Team on 024 7623 1122 or enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk



Ambition Coventry is part-funded by the European Social Fund and supported under the Youth Employment Initiative.

Routes2, Succeed and Connect2 are part-funded by the European Social Fund.
