Chamber Training Scoops Prestigious Award

At the 13th Coventry Freeman’s Guild Apprentice of the Year Awards, Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training was awarded Apprentice Training Provider of the Year.  The purpose of the Guild Awards is to celebrate the achievements of local young people who are either Apprentices or those undertaking a training programme linked to a recognised career.

With over 30 years’ experience of delivering high quality vocational training, Chamber Training is one of the largest, local providers of apprenticeships, working with over 500 businesses to design training programmes around individual business needs. They also offer a wide variety of courses and qualifications ranging from one day seminars to higher level qualifications.

Nominations for the awards were sought from businesses and training providers of young people who have shown exceptional ability in their apprenticeship and whose achievements are an inspiration for others considering an Apprenticeship as a route to a successful career.  There was a high quality of applications from a diverse range of apprentice programmes, including engineering, manufacturing, all types of business activities, schools and education, the health service, vehicle maintenance and housing services making the final selection process exceptionally difficult.

Commenting on the prestigious award, Sally Lucas, Executive Director at Chamber Training said, “We are delighted to have won the award as it is recognition of the hard work and dedication of our team.  We have apprentices of all ages and all levels ranging from school leavers to graduates.  We have also seen increased demand for apprenticeship training for existing staff amongst businesses seeking to upskill their workforce, which is a fantastic development.

 “We have a tailored offer for employers which enables us to respond to their specific requirements, design training programmes around job roles, organisational aims and supporting employers to fill skills gaps.”

Photo caption: Sally Lucas, Executive Director at Chamber Training is shown holding the Freeman’s Guild Training Provider of the Year Award 2017.
