Chamber Training Rocks!

As Event Sponsor at the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s #CWRocks trade expo at the Ricoh Arena, the team at Chamber Training were delighted to attend to promote Apprenticeships, Higher Education and Business to Business courses.

More than 600 businesses attended the event to take advantage of the biggest networking event across Coventry & Warwickshire.

Our fantastic stand attracted a great deal of attention and had many visitors. As the event was held during National Apprenticeship Week, we also showcased our pop-up Apprenticeship Shop.

The team also took our pop-up Apprenticeship Shop to a number of locations across Coventry including the CET Building, Coventry Library and the careers fayre at Stoneleigh Park in Coventry to discuss jobs, apprenticeships and careers.

Take a look at our gallery of images including selfies of apprentices and #CWRocks

For more information on how apprentices can benefit your business, please call our Business Development Team on T: 02476 231 122 E:
