Are You Taking Full Advantage of the Employer National Insurance contribution relief?


Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training are encouraging employers to take full advantage of employer National Insurance contribution relief when employing staff under the age of 21 and/or apprentices under the age of 25.

Indeed, for any business employing an apprentice there is no need to pay class 1 National Insurance contribution on earnings up to the upper earnings limit (£892 per week).  To qualify individuals must be under 25 years old and following an approved apprenticeship.  

Sally Lucas, Executive Director, stated: “This is a real bonus for organisations employing young people on apprenticeships. It is simple to administer and can make significant savings in National Insurance for many businesses.   

It is designed to encourage employers to create affordable employment opportunities for young people which, together with the Government’s £1000 incentive for employing and training an apprentice aged 16-18, offers clear financial benefits. We want to make sure that businesses maximise the returns that are out there to boost jobs for young people.”

To find out more contact Chamber Training on 024 7623 1122 or email
