Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training (CWCCT) has a solution for businesses to develop managers and improve their skills, knowledge, and behaviours to enable them to make a real difference in the workplace.

The ILM Level 3 is a first-line management course that offers an introduction to the skills required by today’s first-line managers. The qualification is particularly suited to practicing team leaders seeking to move up to the next level of management.

Commenting on the opportunity, Angela Williams, a Management Trainer at Chamber Training remarked: “The ILM Level 3 will equip first-line managers with the skills they need to develop their skills and realise their full potential. Individuals will be able to develop their communication, problem-solving and performance management skills, all of which can make a business more successful.”

“Leadership and management qualifications such as the ILM are a great way of developing a broad management skill set, everything from managing people, resources and business operations. There are options to suit those new into management as well as senior leaders. Courses are highly practical and give the space to translate theory into performance in the workplace.”

Angela continued: “The courses will equip individuals with the skills needed to improve their management practice and generate significant benefits to the organisation in terms of cost savings and quality improvement.”

“Everyone from team leaders and supervisors to senior managers can benefit from reflecting on their management practice, learning new ways of doing things, and hear from the experiences of others in different organisations.  ILM level 3 and ILM level 5 are commencing in October and we welcome enquiries from employers and individuals who would like to find out more about how these opportunities can benefit them.”


To find out more about the ILM qualifications, please call the Business Development Team at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training on:

02476 231 122

