Bespoke Training Solutions with Chamber Training
Posted on: 2:57PM, Oct 16th 2020
Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training is offering an extensive range of bespoke training, specifically designed for businesses and their individual training needs. This increasingly popular approach to training also presents businesses with excellent cost-effective solutions.

50% Funding for Skills and Training - Get Your Workforce Up to Speed
Posted on: 7:26PM, Sep 17th 2020
In these challenging times, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training recognise that employers need all the support they can get to plan for the future and create a strong workforce with the right skills. Chamber Training has grants of 50% for SME’s in the locality through its Skills4Growth programme which has been extended to cover even more courses.

Coventry & Warwickshire Skills 4 Growth
Posted on: 12:50PM, Sep 17th 2020
Chamber Training is pleased to announce the addition of further courses to the Coventry & Warwickshire Skills 4 Growth programme that supports local small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) to train and develop their employees with the skills needed in our changing environment.

Chamber Training's Remote Delivery on YouTube
Posted on: 4:39PM, Sep 3rd 2020
Find out more about Chamber Training's remote delivery courses on YouTube

Don't Forget - Government Apprenticeship Incentive Ends 31st January 2021
Posted on: 2:22PM, Aug 13th 2020
Don't forget - if you hire a new apprentice between 1 August 2020 and 31 January 2021, remember to take advantage of the government's apprenticeship incentive scheme. Receive a payment of £2,000 for apprentices aged between 16 to 24 and £1,500 for apprentices aged 25 and over. This payment will be in addition to £1,000 inventive payment that is already being provided by the Government.