Niall's Journey through an Early Years Care Apprenticeship

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training’s Early Years Care apprentice, Niall Smith was recognised for his hard-work and commitment to the local community whilst working at Beatlewoods. Our outstanding Early Years Care apprentice stood out as a nominee for the 'Apprentice of the Year Award' at the 2023 Freemen Guild Awards. Additionally, he received a nomination for the Endeavor Award, acknowledging his significant support within the wider community and received £100. Outside of Niall’s work, he is a lifeguard and a scout leader and makes a great contribution to the scouting community showing leadership and organisational skills which are readily transferable to his job. We decided to speak to Niall to find out more about his achievements and how he spent his winnings.

 What inspired you to pursue your apprenticeship, and how do you feel about achieving the Apprentice of the Year award?

"I am Niall, 17, having completed my Early Years Practitioner Level 2 apprenticeship, I am about to start my level 3. I was inspired to pursue this apprenticeship as I really enjoyed being a beaver leader for my local scout group and would be interested in advancing in a career with children. I was really pleased to have been nominated for the award."

Can you tell us about to your achievement for Freemen Guild Award Apprentice of the Year Award?

"I was nominated for apprentice of the year 2023, for the small to medium category and I was runner up for this award. However, I was presented with their Endeavour award for my contribution to the workplace and community having overcome numerous challenges within my life and education."

What did you purchase with your winnings?

"I used my winnings to help purchase access to Signature’s British Sign Language learning hub. This is an online library of video clips and support materials to help me to continue my knowledge, development and understanding of BSL."

What do you enjoy the most about doing an Early Years Care apprenticeship?

"I enjoy learning about the areas or child development and being able to put them into practice at Beatlewoods and in my role as a volunteer for my local Beaver Scout section."

Would you recommend Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training to others?

"I would recommend CWCT for anyone who is interested in looking at apprenticeships."
