Kelly Gains Promotion Following Apprenticeship Success

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training have partnered with National Grid to upskill their workforce through Apprenticeship training. The qualifications which have been delivered through this partnership include Business Administration, Customer Service, IT, Team Leading and Management.

Kelly-Anne Morris has recently completed her Apprenticeship qualification as part of this programme and has given some great feedback regarding her learning experience.

"I have been working through my NVQ in business and administration for the past 1 and a half years or so. I found my Maths test to be quite stressful as I hadn't used the maths techniques it required in quite some time. After 2 failed attempts, I got my head down and revised. I also attended the maths support classes which helped alot and thankfully I passed my Maths exam on the 3rd attempt. This has taught me to not give up and to keep trying!"

"I have since managed to secure myself a new job which is permanent within the company and also a promotion! My new job role is very customer service based and consists of a lot of administrative work. After successfully getting through to the interview stage, I had to complete a maths and english test. Without my NVQ and the training, I would have struggled a lot. My NVQ has helped to build confidence in myself and gain new knowledge. I am very thankful for this opportunity!"

Kelly-Anne Morris, National Grid

As part of her ongoing training plan, Kelly-Anne has also started working towards her Customer Service Level 3 qualification with Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training.

To find out how your organisation can work in partnership with Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training contact us on 024 7623 1122 or email today.
