Celebrating the best apprentices in the workplace

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training recently hosted an awards evening to identify and reward high achieving businesses and professionals across the region.

The awards ceremony took place at Commerce House recently when over 70 local businesses attended.  The evening recognised outstanding Apprentices studying in categories such as: Business Administration, Customer Service, Team Leading and Management. 

With over 30 years’ experience in providing vocational training and development in Coventry and Warwickshire, CWCT has over 1,200 people engaged in work based learning.  The firm’s advisers plan and organise the delivery of learning around the needs of your businessin order to develop the skills and knowledge of the individual. They will also ensure that national quality standards are met.

Commenting on the huge success of the awards evening, Jan Ryan, Operations Director at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training said: “We are extremely proud of our apprenticeship award winners,   apprentices were selected from a highly competitive number of entrants, all of whom demonstrated a strong ability and desire to achieve.We know they will have a bright future ahead of them.

 “We are also reminding employers that changes to apprenticeships are imminent.   From 1st May 2017 employers will be required to contribute to an apprenticeship levy which will require all employers in the UK with a pay bill over £3million each year, to make an investment in apprenticeships. Non-levy paying employers will also be required to make a 10% contribution to the cost of apprenticeship training and the government will pay the rest (90%).” Jan concludes.
