A Shining Star in the Health and Social Care World - Innocent Chagiye (Anchor – Leofric Lodge)

Innocent Chagiye successfully completed his Advanced Apprenticeship, whilst performing the role of Senior Team Leader at Leofric Lodge Care Home where his position is business critical, ensuring staff are effectively supported and care packages appropriate to the needs of vulnerable, elderly people. He worked to a high standard, supporting management deliver its objectives as well as encouraging individual carers in their development. He has led by example, being caring, committed, compassionate, providing effective communication to preserve individual rights and dignity.

Supported by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training, Innocent has set his career ambitions high and is on the road to fulfilling them, following success on his Apprenticeship, he gained promotion to Housing Manager. His personal aspiration is to ensure care is of an outstanding standard, enabling residents to lead rewarding lives. Future ambitions are to become an Area Manager. 

Innocent has benefitted from the Apprenticeship opportunity in a huge variety of ways. Having taken the brave step of a career change in his mid-20’s, he turned his back on his job as a Plant Operative to start to fulfil his ambitions, delivering care to vulnerable and elderly people, becoming qualified and progressing his new career path. Innocent is a clear advocate for staff development, encouraging individuals to develop themselves. He sees the value of Apprenticeships in improving the quality of service. It creates a strong knowledge base and helps to motivate staff, making the care of vulnerable people so much better. Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training help hundreds of people like Innocent to have rewarding and satisfying career paths.
