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Organisational Needs Analysis

  • Increase productivity
  • Raise quality
  • Target resources

Organisational Needs Analysis

Having the right people with the right skills can vastly improve your business chances of success. It can build your competitive advantage and equip employees with the knowledge that your business needs for its prosperity. By pinpointing individual and team training needs you will ensure that your training budget is spent wisely and that people have the right skills to perform effectively.


Research shows that training can:

  • Increase productivity and quality of work
  • Increase profits
  • Reduce staff turnover and absenteeism
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Improve staff motivation

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training will ensure that training is linked to business goals and performance, forms part of a company-wide strategy and focuses on tangible outcomes for individuals and teams. By choosing the right type of training, you can make sure that your employees have the right skills for your business, and are up to date with best and new practices. This is true for all employees, including management and senior leaders. An Organisational Needs Analysis is an effective way to identify skills gaps. It involves gathering information to identify areas where your employees can improve their performance to their benefit and that of your business.


The Process:

  • Analyse your business objectives and the skills required to meet those goals
  • Identify the skill requirements of each role
  • Review existing skill levels, qualifications, experience and competencies
  • Perform a ‘GAP’ analysis to identify skill deficiencies
  • Identify individual and team training needs, including learning styles
  • Propose a cost effective solution to meet identified needs in a documented plan
  • Manage and monitor the implementation of the plan
  • Evaluate the impact of the training on the individual, the team and the business





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