Apprenticeships are a great way for businesses to shape their workforce of the future. They ensure that your workforce has the practical skills and knowledge your organisation needs for today and tomorrow. The mixture of on and off the job learning ensures individuals learn the skills that work best for your business, delivering real returns to your bottom line.
Apprenticeships for Employers
Apprenticeships are designed around the needs of employers and lead to nationally recognised qualifications which benefit the individual and the business as well. You can use Apprenticeships to train both new and existing employees. We have a dedicated recruitment service to assist you in expanding your team with junior staff who can grow with the organisation. Alternatively our Advisers will guide you in using apprenticeships to up-skill your existing staff, subject to eligibility.

What You Need To Know
An Apprenticeship is a genuine job supported by an individually designed skills and development programme. Through an Apprenticeship, new or existing staff of any age can gain the knowledge, practical experience and wider skills to make a real difference in the workplace. Chamber Training will work with you to identify your needs, scope a role and recommend an appropriate Apprenticeship. If you are looking to recruit an Apprentice, our recruitment service will give you all the help you need to find the ideal person. Alternatively, we will design a tailored plan of learning for existing staff to take their skills to the next level.
The benefits to business of Apprenticeships are many:
- Fresh ideas and talent
- Motivated staff
- Improved productivity
- Improved staff retention
- Clear return on investment
- Relevant skills and knowledge
- Support succession planning
As one of the largest Apprenticeship providers in the area, Chamber Training is at the forefront of designing and delivering high quality, business-focused Apprenticeships. We offer a comprehensive advisory service for employers including:
- Easy steps to accessing Apprenticeships
- Guidance on Apprenticeship funding
- Exploring Apprenticeship training models
- Guidance and development of company specific learning
- Support to develop a well trained, well motivated workforce
- Identifying where you can get a return on investment
- 77% of companies believe that Apprentices help their business become more competitive
- 80% of those employers who employ Apprentices agree they make their workplace more productive
- 83% of employers who take on Apprentices rely on Apprenticeships to provide the skilled workers of the future
- 1 in 5 employers are hiring more Apprentices to help them through the tough economic climate

Apprenticeships available in

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Apprenticeship Benefits

of employers who take an Apprentice rely on Apprenticeships to provide the skilled workers of the future
Over 80%

of employers who employ Apprentices agree they make their workplace more productive
1 in 5

of employers who employ an apprentice believes Apprenticeships lead to a more motivated and satisfied workforce

Business Apprentice Molly Wins Apprentice of the Year Award

Local Health and Social Care Apprentice wins Silver Medal at The Skills Show

Accountancy Apprentice Announced as FirstPro Finalist